Not sure all you international types are aware, but the UK is currently trapped in a blanket of fog that is slowly strangling the life out everything. Airports, roads and public transport is all affected. Unfortuneatly it looks like some folks will not get home for Christmas.
I decided to get out there a make use of the eary, gloomy light that this weather is producing and I have produced four sets of images that I feel really sums up the mood at the moment.

These are some of the images from my first set, shot at the local woods where I walk my dog Lucy.

I shot using my Canon 1DMKIIN fitted with my new Lensbaby 3G, a unique peice of kit that distorts images to produce a ghostly blurred effect. I finished the images by slightly desaturating them in Photoshop and dropping them into a black border.
I intend to frame the images in sets of four, each image printed only 3 inchs along it longest side. They will be in a dark oak A4 landscape frame to set them off.
Anyway, I hope you all manage to get home to your families for Christmas, have a great time and I will be back after Christmas.