"I can jump further than you...."
Last week I had the honour of being invited over to Ireland to photograph an entire extended family and some of their friends and family. I was invited into the family and waited on hand and foot for the three days I was in the Emerald Isle.
"Seaweed is great..."
I had been asked to photograph several families and all their respective children, all aged between 4 weeks and four and a half years. It was great, I got to behave like a child again, crawling on the floor, rolling about in wet grass and digging holes in a muddy beach. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, even when I found myself changing nappies and watching Thomas the Tank Engine.
"Catching some rays man..."
Best af all I was given as much creative freedom as I wanted, so I took the bull by the horns and began using off-camera flash. As soon as I arrived in Ireland I instructed 'Uncle Russ' in how the VALS(Voice Activated Light Stand) system worked, gave him a Canon 580EZ, a Quantum Turbo Battery pack and a Pocket Wizard Plus II Transceiver, and we got to work. Russ even found himself in one or two of the images as he tried to dodge back and forth between children on the beach. I deliberately included him in the shot below to demonstrate how I lit the group shots.
I was really surprised how quickly the children got used to me being there, even though it was the first time I had met most of them, within a few minutes, the children strated to behave like children and ignored me. I let them get on with playing with their toys, racing around the garden on a peddle powered go-kart, playing on the swings and digging in the mud.
"Did someone say there were Ladybirds in here?"

Even Uncle Peter gets in on the act...What a poser..."

Even Uncle Peter gets in on the act...What a poser..."
I am really happy with the results, I hope everyone enjoys the images as much as I do.
Many thanks to Carina, Russ and family for inviting me over, and a special thank you to Suzanne, Brian, Paddy and Collette for putting me up, and treating me as a member of their family.