Lets face it, a Wedding Photographers worst nightmare is bad weather, sometimes the thought of rain can keep me awake at night and sure enough, i had a terrible nights sleep wondering whether or not saturday's wedding was going to be a wash out. Thankfully, despite some pretty impressive clouds and a very grey sky we managed to get away without having to drag out the umbrellas.
Gary and Lucy were married in the Orangery at Newstead Abbey, a wonderful location surounded by Cloistered halls and lush walled gardens, so really I didn't have any excuses for not getting a some great photographs.
Yet again I was able to use my portable lighting, which actually made a huge difference with some of the portraits, especially this rather dramatic shot of Lucy in her wonderful wedding dress.
Later we all descended on Lucy's parents home for a great party in their garden. After a short speech and hog roast dinner, everyone got down to enjoying the evening, including myself.
I even spent a little while giving photographic tips to some of the guests....doing myself out of a job....