Welcome to my Blog, its a quick way for me to get stuff of my chest, talk about my work as a wedding and portrait photographer, and moan about having to lose some weight. I am rubbish at spelling, so I apologise in advance if some of it doesn't make sense, but being the creative type, grammer never really bothered me.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lucy and Gary at Newstead Abbey

Lets face it, a Wedding Photographers worst nightmare is bad weather, sometimes the thought of rain can keep me awake at night and sure enough, i had a terrible nights sleep wondering whether or not saturday's wedding was going to be a wash out. Thankfully, despite some pretty impressive clouds and a very grey sky we managed to get away without having to drag out the umbrellas.

Gary and Lucy were married in the Orangery at Newstead Abbey, a wonderful location surounded by Cloistered halls and lush walled gardens, so really I didn't have any excuses for not getting a some great photographs.
Yet again I was able to use my portable lighting, which actually made a huge difference with some of the portraits, especially this rather dramatic shot of Lucy in her wonderful wedding dress.
Later we all descended on Lucy's parents home for a great party in their garden. After a short speech and hog roast dinner, everyone got down to enjoying the evening, including myself.

I even spent a little while giving photographic tips to some of the guests....doing myself out of a job....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Storm Clouds needn't neccesarily ruin a photograph

The other day I had the pleasure of photographing Stacey. Stacey had seen my work on Facebook and had approached me to photograph her 'just for fun'. Despite some recent stormy weather, Stacey was happy to work outside to achieve the look I was after.

After several email conversations, about being nervous, and not knowing what to wear, Stacey came down to my photographic studio in Newark to show me a selection of outfits she had chosen, and with the help of Make-up Artist Clare Allen, we chose a lovely soft summery dress to contrast with the impending storm brewing on the horizon.

Clare and Stacey spent a few moments finishing make-up and sorting out hair(not something I have any experience in!) before we all made our way down the road to an abandoned tennis court near to where I live. I had already decided what I wanted to acheive, so I set up my Lumedynes and Pocket Wizards and started shooting. Stacey was wonderful, despite a few nerves at the start of the shoot, she was soon in the swing of it all, even sitting in the long grass despite not knowing what was living in there....

Before long I had a great set of images, just as the sun started to set, the weather worsened and we called it a night. Thankfully, we had achieved everything I set out to do, and more. Stacey and Clare were both fantastic and I would be more than appy to work with them both again.....just hope they like the photos.
Website Problems........ARRRRRGGGHHHHHH

Just thought I would let you know that we are having a few issues with our main website. Its currently off-line. We are in the process of moving the site to a different server and there have been a few unforeseen issues, but all being well we should be sorted in a couple of days. Please check back soon....