I have been incredably busy the last few days working for the paper, pulling double shifts and weekends can really wear you out, so I am taking the oppurtunity to sit down and take five to recompose.
Enough of that, rest is for wimps, get a grip, what else would you be doing between the hours of three and five in the morning...taking photos....
Anyway, my jobs ranged from police raids on illegal traders to 100th Birthdays and cute puppies(ahh), pretty none stop but loads of fun.
One of the best jobs was photographing a Rap contest, held in a local community hall, it was great fun, I met loads of great kids, all trying to be the next big thing. There were also some great vocal artists and instrumentalists, there is a great deal of talent in the Midlands, it not all in London.
Anyway, here are few of my favourites from the shoot.

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