On occasion I get asked to photograph people on a time for prints basis (TFP), these are usually young models or aspiring musicians wanting a leg up in the business. Unfortunatly I have not got the time to complete all of these requests, after all I have a business to run and free pictures cost me money, but inspite of this I consider each request on its merits and when I can I will shoot for free.

A request came in from Chantelle, an aspiring model from Newark, who wanted some pictures with her brothers band, Cause of Chaos. After she explained her position I agreed, and we arranged to do a location shoot near to where they live.

The shoot was an absolute scream, the guys dressed in Pseudo Punk come Gothic outfits, and I got to use my signature lighting technique again, I loved it. I shot alot more images than I would normally for a TFP shoot, we had loads of images to choose from.

Cheers guys, I had a great time.
Hope you all like them
Hope you all like them
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