Without doubt, if anything is going to go wrong, it will go wrong while on that really important job, the one that you have spent the last two months sweating if your tender was successfull or not.
No matter how many times you test your gear, sometimes it goes tits-up at the most inopertune moment. generally its not the big items, such as cameras or flash units that go wrong, its the smaller items, like cables that break.
Recently I had exactly that happen to me, not a problem I thought," I have a spare" which I did. All was well for about 15 minutes, then just as I was about to wrap up, the spare went 'US', thats unserviceable to those none ex-military types. I only had one final shot to get, but I needed a working cable, and quickly.
Luckily I always carry a back-up to the back-up, not neccesarily the exact item I require, but some way of achieving the aim, usually I have to bastardise a piece of gear to get it to work, but I have not been beat yet.
On this occasion I had to chop up two different cables and connect them using electrical tape, it worked a treat and let me finish the job on time and to the brief.
So here it is, my most useful piece of gear, the venerable Gerber Multi-tool. I have owned numerous brands of multi-tool, including Leathermans and Swiss Army knives, but I have always returned to Gerber.
My current one is nearly ten years old and has been around the world with me, I always carry it.
Other important bits and bobs I carry include gaffer tape, elastoplast, paracetamol, power bars, and an LED flashlight.
So going to Scouts as a kid really was useful, it taught me to be prepared for every eventually.
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