Welcome to my Blog, its a quick way for me to get stuff of my chest, talk about my work as a wedding and portrait photographer, and moan about having to lose some weight. I am rubbish at spelling, so I apologise in advance if some of it doesn't make sense, but being the creative type, grammer never really bothered me.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Jacqui and Martin......girls and chocolate

Little Evie gets as much attention as her Mum.
Those of you who regularly visit here will remember Jacqui and Martin from their engagement shoot a few weeks ago. Gale force winds and a blizzard short of put a dampner on that day, but the subsequent wedding was blissfull.

Martin was bouyant as he prepared himself.

A stunning Bride
Just to fill you in, Jacqui and Martin had been given a wedding package by Gaynor who had won my services in a prize draw I had donated to a competition run by British Forces Broadcasting Services(BFBS).

The boys are back in town.
The wedding was quite a simple affair, and probably the shortest I have ever attended, it was all over in less than twenty minutes, but the service was touching and heart felt.

Exchanging rings.
The wedding party retired back to the venue to indulge in copious amounts of chocolate and strawberries, alot of my pictures involved children with gooey faces, great fun.
Big kids like chocolate too

I hope you guys like the pictures, I had a wonderful time, and look forward to speaking to you soon.

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