Welcome to my Blog, its a quick way for me to get stuff of my chest, talk about my work as a wedding and portrait photographer, and moan about having to lose some weight. I am rubbish at spelling, so I apologise in advance if some of it doesn't make sense, but being the creative type, grammer never really bothered me.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Born to Rock !!!!!!!!

Well not exactly, but I do like my music, and its even better when I can mix it with a bit of photography. Occasionally I do get asked to photograph local musicians for promotional material and once again I had the pleasure of meeting the guys from Cause of Chaos, a rock band from Newark.

Anyway, I will let the pictures do the talking, hope you guys like 'em...

1 comment:

Clive Doyle said...

Great images, love the lighting, very cool indeed!

Cheers, Clive